Spacelab - Into the Unknown
Virtuelle Tour durch die Ausstellung "Spacelab - Into the Unknown" der isländischen Künstlerin Borghildur Indriðadóttir. Über die Ausstellung: SPACELAB - Into the Unknown, an exhibition by Borghildur Artist on the Moon at Hošek Contemporary June 4 - 12, 2021. Curated by Gloria Aino Grzywatz and Peggy Schoenegge from peer to space. SPACELAB - Into the Unknown creates a laboratory situation, which invites a comprehensive scientific consideration of Borghildur Indrida’s project. In a site-specific installation at the ship hold of Hošek Contemporary, visitors are immersed into the artistic discourse. The artist confronts us with fundamental questions of systems of power and ownership interests. What claims are being made in relation to unmanned territories? What hierarchies and systems emerge? How can women assert themselves within patriarchal structures? In the artist's peaceful gesture of restitution, the complexity and insanity of nationalized power relations clarify and remind us of our position in the solar system. With the gaze toward and the journey to the moon, the focus of our being is directed to the essential – an equalized, respectful and participatory society without exploitation. (Quelle: Mehr Informationen unter